Jinan Lanhai Transmission Machinery

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End face cycle series

  • 商品说明
  • 商品参数

The end plug backer structure ball nut is suitable for situations with large lead, high rigidity requirements, low noise, and high temperature rise control. Its DN value can reach up to 220000. Due to the use of high-strength plastic material and arrangement at both ends of the nut, the steel balls inside the nut are evenly distributed inside the nut groove, reducing the noise of the ball nut during operation.


Contact us

contact number:0531-88661606    

Company fax:0531-88268738

Company address:37 chengbohu Road, Jiyang District, Jinan

Friendship link

Blue Ocean Drive:http://www.preyp.com.cn/

Shandong stability:http://www.t-win.com/

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    • 15966642208
    • 400-0531-555
    • 0531-88661606
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